Smart and Creative


Aims to contribute to the improvement of the quality of living conditions of Filipinos through the adoption of "smart city" principles among our communities by assisting LGUs towards accelerated smart growth.

Smart City Assessment and Roadmap Development

The Smart City Assessment and Roadmap Development Component aims to conduct a smart city profiling and assessment of cities that is anchored on established Smart City Indicators and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to identify opportunities to accelerate smart city growth.

The key activities of this component include the review of existing plans, policies and programs of the LGU; data gathering and processing; assessment using the Smart City Hexagon Tool; validation and analysis of results; conduct of foresight activity, conduct of different solutions ideation processes; and Smart City Roadmap development.

As the most critical component, the roadmap identifies local milestones,  and outlines the overall strategic direction and potential initiatives that should be prioritized in order to create scalable and interconnected solutions. The roadmap also provides  urban development strategies using creative technology solutions that shall contribute to, and will be aligned with the post-pandemic recovery plan and ""better normal"" policy of the national government.

Goals and Objectives

1. Assess the current state of the city using established indicators to identify opportunities to accelerate smart city growth;

2. Foster community participation in idea generation and solutions development in addressing city's challenges;

3. Define desired outcomes, establish local milestones, and identify strategies for the development of a smart city; and

4. Empower local stakeholders and engage key smart city players for sustainable implementation of smart city initiatives.


The framework for developing Smart Communities in the Philippines represents a comprehensive approach that draws upon established frameworks and concepts, while aligning with national vision and global commitments. Rooted in AMBISYON NATIN 2040, the New Urban Agenda, and the UN SDGs, this ensures that the solutions developed under the initiatives foster inclusive and sustainable growth.

These layers work in synergy to realize a unique outcome or vision for each city or community, contributing to the three pillars of sustainable development: A High Quality of Life, A Competitive Economy, and A Sustainable Environment. By integrating these elements, the framework provides a roadmap for conceptualizing and implementing concrete projects in cities and communities, ensuring their transformation into smart and sustainable entities.

Smart City Hexagon Tool

The Smart City Hexagon Tool is a web-based monitor and assessment tool developed by the DAP that measures the progress of cities and municipalities towards becoming a Smart and Sustainable Community. The tool is benchmarked on international standards ISO 37120 (Sustainable Cities and Communities - City Services and Quality of Life), ISO 371222 (Sustainable Cities and Communities - Indicators for Smart Cities), ISO 37123 (Indicators for Resiliency), and is linked to the SDGs. It helps the LGUs determine areas for improvement and opportunities for smart growth in their localities.
The six domains of a smart city are represented visually by six hexagonal facets: Smart Economy, Smart Environment, Smart Governance, Smart Living, Smart Mobility, and Smart People. The indicators under each domain are categorized into themes with corresponding descriptions, scales and elements. These indicators are used for quantitative and qualitative assessment for planning and policymaking.

To initiate the profiling and assessment, data collection vis-à-vis the indicators are collected from existing strategic plans of the city. Data is also collected from relevant offices of the LGU, as well as information from the regional and national level. Afterwards, the available data and information on the defined indicators and action fields are assessed through desk review, and active consultation and dialogues with the local team. The resulting numerical values are important in determining the level or status of attainment of being a smart city."

Smart and Creative Communities

A Smart and Creative Communities (SCC) Network organized by the DAP's Smart and Creative Communities (SCC) Program aims to be the collaborative platform or venue for the national and local government, businesses, knowledge institutions, local and international NGOs, civil society organizations, and citizens who are committed to creating vibrant and sustainable communities. This network is focused on leveraging technology, innovation, and creativity to address community challenges, and enhance the quality of life for communities. In addition, the network places a strong emphasis on promoting creativity, cultural diversity, and inclusivity. By leveraging the unique perspectives and talents of community members, the network aims to create a dynamic and innovative environment that promotes economic growth, social equity, and environmental sustainability.

Stakeholders and Roles

National Government is responsible for crafting and introducing Smart City concepts into national policies, public investments, and private developments.

Local Government Units are responsible for translating the policies into their city- or community-level initiatives as the main implementing actor of smart city programs.

Community and Citizen participation and engagement are essential to ensure that smart city programs are designed to meet the needs and preferences of the community.

Private Sector or Businesses are responsible for providing the necessary technology, expertise, and financing to implement smart city initiatives.

Knowledge Institutions like academic institutions play a crucial role in developing research, knowledge transfer, and innovation in smart cities.

Local and International NGOs are responsible for facilitating global and regional cooperation, technology and knowledge transfer, and capacity-building, as well as granting resources, and international perspective and expertise.

Civil Society Organizations like advocacy groups play an important role in promoting citizen engagement and participation in smart city interventions.


The SCC Network wishes to invite and collaborate with all relevant smart city stakeholders through a membership application process. Individuals and institutions who fall under the list of identified stakeholders may contact the SCC Network Project Team through

Opportunities for SCC Network Members

Smart City Strategies, Tools, and Technologies

This project component seeks to develop or acquire, and implement the latest and relevant smart city strategies, tools and technologies to primarily capacitate the CSF in its delivery of the Smart City Assessment and Roadmap development, as well as to enhance the overall smartness and creativity of communities. The project will involve collaboration among the public sector, both on the local and national level, and the private sector to identify and address the specific needs of the community.

The CSF holds a comprehensive repository of an extensive array of smart city tools and technologies, specifically curated for smart city development initiatives. This vast compendium encompasses an assortment of solutions, ranging from DOST-funded and developed innovations, emerging from various programs and projects, to cutting-edge tech products conceived from the Start Hackathon and Incubation Program of the SCC Network. Additionally, it houses a collection of tech solutions from partner technology providers readily available in the market.

To further facilitate seamless access and utilization of these technologies, the CSF is diligently crafting a dynamic Smart Technology Portal. This portal is precisely designed to be an interactive hub, providing local governments and other potential users with an avenue for exploration and acquisition of smart city solutions. The Smart Technology Portal will not only showcase a diverse array of innovative solutions,  but will also assist users in navigating and identifying the most suitable technologies that align with their specific requirements.

Newsletter Subscription

The CSF consists of interconnected labs that will be the source of many of the futures center frameworks for action. The purpose of instituting these labs is to incubate and establish its processes, eventually transforming them into centers of their own.
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